How do I manage my own investments

Q. I have been investing for the past four years, mainly in mutual funds. I want to have some more control and open a discount brokerage account, but I am wondering where I look for the best advice on investing both long and short term.

A. Investing for the last four years must have been interesting depending on the type of investments you purchased during that period.

You probably had great success and perhaps a few disappointments. Whatever your experience, you now have an idea of the nature of the markets.

Having more control over your investments is not a bad thing, but you need to have something else: Time.

Remember, mutual funds are managed by experts who spend a significant amount of time researching the markets and making decisions to change and rebalance the funds as much as possible to ensure that your investments perform well. They are not always right, but they are very experienced and knowledgeable.

The decisions to manage your funds or have someone else manage them for you do not have to be mutually exclusive. You can have both.

Ask yourself a few questions:

  • What is the purpose for the investments?
  • How much time do you have for these investments to grow before you need to draw on the funds?
  • Do you have the knowledge to manage the investments?
  • Do you have the time to research the markets and keep up to date with the necessary information to make great investments decisions?

In terms of opening a discount brokerage account, there are many different avenues to acquire information about investments.

There is a wealth of Information on the internet but no guarantees. You will have to do your own verification. Taking an investment course such as the Canadian Securities Course is also recommended.

My recommendation is to only take a portion of your investments for the discount brokerage account. Ensure that you choose an amount that will not significantly impact your goals in case they do not perform to your expectations. Leave the remainder with the experts until you become an expert yourself.

Visit your local bank and speak to a financial advisor who has the experience to help you make your decision. You can also open the discount brokerage account at the same time.

– Chris Alexander, MBA, , BBM, PFP, FICB

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Integer vehicula purus in sagittis rhoncus

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Quisque imperdiet elementum tortor vel pretium

Quisque non tempus ante. Pellentesque eget lectus varius, molestie felis et, rhoncus nisl. Nullam eget mauris quis sem laoreet semper et non tellus. Sed tempus urna sed blandit cursus. Phasellus molestie condimentum egestas. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In rutrum posuere orci, at dignissim lacus sagittis ut. [rt_quote name=”John Doe” position=”Capital Inc.” link=”” link_title=”” id=”” class=””] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec velit est, egestas egestas dolor et, molestie porta justo. Nam non gravida ante. Ut ultricies erat nec neque malesuada, et blandit dui sollicitudin. Phasellus commodo interdum sollicitudin. Proin hendrerit massa non tortor ultrices porttitor. Cras commodo sed leo cursus pretium. [/rt_quote] Morbi cursus ipsum at nunc semper, sit amet convallis purus scelerisque. Suspendisse condimentum diam id feugiat sagittis. Nullam erat nulla, auctor id lectus id, dapibus molestie mauris. Nam ultrices metus ac quam varius malesuada. Donec iaculis ipsum eu justo ullamcorper volutpat in vel nisl. Integer vehicula purus in sagittis rhoncus. In quis turpis ac sapien semper lacinia. Donec non metus nibh.

Sed et ante at dui porta condimentum vel nec ante.

Proin dapibus, nunc ac tempor venenatis, tellus tortor hendrerit sem, a sollicitudin neque justo fermentum ante. Quisque non turpis sem. Cras mi quam, congue sit amet elementum ut, egestas vitae felis. Quisque facilisis magna id tortor malesuada, at molestie purus posuere. Aenean eget malesuada odio. Aliquam porta varius molestie. Pellentesque auctor faucibus lectus, in consectetur mauris facilisis at. Donec sollicitudin venenatis orci vel aliquet. Etiam commodo nulla turpis, nec interdum est rutrum at. Sed a dui porta, faucibus leo ac, accumsan risus. Donec posuere faucibus ante, vel viverra nunc blandit ut. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas mollis eu metus et eleifend. Nunc ut nunc vitae tellus ornare imperdiet.

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